Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011: Soon I will be writing the wrong year on all my checks

Someday I will be able to reminisce like this: "While I was on the moon I wrote a postcard to Mom; then I traveled through the tail of a comet and skirted the tongue of the sun as it lashed out into the darkness. My new novel was a rip-roaring success, selling over fifteen copies to people who are not my relatives! And I managed to find time to visit my brothers in TN, PA, and CA."

I have not done any of these things. This is what I did do this year:

Wrote novel #2.
Drove a boat- Rob's boat, on Great East Lake.
Went to NC.
Ate at the Cheesecake Factory.
Closed my knife on my finger.
Went to Canada.
Rewrote novel #1.
Went to Long Island.
Theatre: Man of La Mancha (ME, board op), Wizard of Oz (ME), Spelling Bee (ME, board op), Hairspray (ME, ASM), Cabaret (ME, spot op), A Christmas Carol (ME, crew).
Hunted lobsters.
Found a shark on the beach.
Learned 200 new words: petrichor is my favourite.
Watched my friend get married; I also threw a bridal shower.
Stuck my feet in the ocean.
Got a ginormous blood blister.
Interned at Calypso.
Almost fell out of the grid.
Walked in the rain.
Moved into an apartment.
Worked at the gym (I lead a thrilling life, I know).
Got a cat and named her Goblin*.
Learned ever so much about space.
Went to the zoo! Got a free ticket!
Climbed Mount Major (which is not quite as tall as Mount General).
Went to Boston.
Celebrated Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Turned 23.

*This is my cat, Goblin.

1 comment:

  1. Became friends with Styliani and Grady....pretty significant moment of your life
